Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Description: He is both the destroyer and the restorer, the great ascetic and the symbol of sensuality, the benevolent herdsman of souls and the wrathful avenger. His female consort is known under various manifestations, including Parvati, Durga, and Kali. In Shaivism he is worshiped as the paramount lord. Lord Shiva is the Greatest God (Mahadeva) and even God of Gods (Devadeva). He is the oldest known god worshipped in different parts of the world. He is mysterious and complex. He assumes the form of Creator (Brahma), Preserver (Vishnu) and Destroyer (Rudra). He is the timeless, formless and spaceless Absolute Reality. tagged with: fantasy art surrealism art digital art religious sacred divine spiritual inspirational romantic deity shiva vast horizon low dark tide scenic evening dusk seascape seashore coast rocks beauty landscape rocky sunset nude body female

George Grie was born in May 14, 1962. He graduated from the State University in 1985 with a BA (Honors) Degree in Fine Art Education. From the onset of his professional career, the traditional routes of domestic art adopted by many of his peers was not an option. He chose instead to follow the more difficult and demanding path of surrealistic painting wherein clear, concise yardsticks of competence, draughtsmanship and painterly skills can be measured and judged warts and all.

I am writing this to answer your possible questions about sources of my art inspiration.
Picture concepts could come from anywhere: unusual window views, fantastic movie scenes, or routine commercial posters.
The ideas are in the air, they are all over the place. Usually they come as a vague vision of something interestingly abnormal, something you define as extraordinary and atypical. Generally, the first impression transforms dramatically at the end of the creative process.
In the majority of my works I am trying to combine visual realities with subconscious emotions and philosophical thoughts.
My pictures are similar to mental puzzles where you can travel from one point to another by analyzing a picture’s symbolic objects. Sometimes a picture’s subject matter is unclear when the path is hidden under layers of mutually excepted items. Sometimes a picture could look almost abstract and meaningless but there is always something for you to discover.
I never force my vision or push my philosophical opinion on the viewer. I only hint them by image titles. It is entirely your job to build the picture concept based on your personal experience, understanding and preferences.

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