Monday, October 29, 2012

Sergey Kovrigo

Sergey Kovrigo was born and educated in St. Petersburg, Russia. In 1989 after completing his art education, which focused on the restoration of antique paintings, he began to show his own work in exhibitions throughout Russia, Germany, Slovakia, Greece, The Czech Republic, Poland and Italy. His art is now included in the National Art Museum of Russia as well as numerous private collections. Combining oil paints, gouache and collage techniques, Kovrigo creates images both colourful and rich in texture that never fail to warm the viewer.

The vital credo: if free creativity is not present, everything else has no value but if it is present everything can be gone through. I work in several techniques and styles. I like metallographic arts, airbrushing. Recently combining picturesque technics with electronic payments, elements of computers (my basic education is the Minsk radio engineering institute - the designer of the radio-electronic equipment). Many people say, that I do not have certain style, but create only what is pleasant to me. Most of all I appreciate free creativity, but often have to perform the order.
Sunset manually


oil, canvas, 2007
42 x 52 cm

The pearl diver


oil, hardboard
40 x 30 cm

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